Beyond Radio…Beyond Television
When 60 Seconds Just Isn’t Enough.

Since the introduction of podcasting, Audio Concepts has been helping clients achieve their marketing goals with this innovative medium. Today with more ways to connect, it’s even more important to create memorable and effective podcasts. Here are a few guidelines for successful podcast production.

What is Your Main Message
As with commercials- Keep it simple and stick to the main message
The more topics you attempt to cover, the longer your podcast and the more likely your listener will tune out. Narrow your main thoughts into a very basic point. Put it in one sentence; then, resist the temptation to discuss other topics just because you have the time. Spend the time explaining why your product or service is better. What's your marketing advantage? What do you offer that no one else does? Then prove it with a tangible statement!

Involve Your Audience
Ask for listener input – Unlike any other form of marketing communications, podcasts are personal, interactive and provide an easy source of feedback. Just Ask. By downloading your podcasts, your listeners are your early adopters- Involve them. Find out their likes and interests. Fine-tune your product or service to match their desires.

If your podcast is designed for a broad audience, use the Podcast promo sites to get your message out. Link your sites together to create a community. We can assist in getting your podcast listed on the main search engines and promote your podcast.

Podcasts are visual. When you produce a podcast, paint a picture. The power of your message is enhanced when your listener can visualize. The better the picture the more involvement for your listener. Paint the picture and let the listener imagine.

Don’t Sell the Product…Sell the Benefits.
Like broadcast advertising, your customer comes to you because they are seeking a solution to a problem. If you can solve it; demonstrate it! Think of the advantages. An automotive dealer can create a virtual test drive; an electronics retailer can demonstrate the differences between similar products. While your product or service is close to you, put yourself in the shoes of your target audience and ask yourself the question "what's in it for me?"

Talk About the Listener
This is similar to the previous point, and it's also a tough one to swallow for many business owners, but the fact remains... people don't have a personal attachment to your business. To capture their attention, you need to talk about them. What are their problems? What do they value?" Once you've reached them on a personal level, you are better prepared to have them answer this question: "Why would I buy from this business?"

Break It Up
One of the advantages of podcasting is that if you have the opportunity to hook the listener. And have them return at their convenience. Explain how easy it is to subscribe to your podcast and that they will receive an update automatically. Establish a relationship. Ask for them to come back, and don’t overstay your welcome.

Make Your Podcasts Easy To Find
Think of your Podcast as an Audio Newletter. You have something important to tell. Make it easy to find. Incorporate meaningful metadata for search engine optimization.

Produce Podcasts Regularly
The most successful Podcasts surround a single theme and are released on a regular basis. You have a built in audience for your next Podcast release. Be consistent with your production and deliver your podcasts regularly. If you produce infrequently, your audience will forget or move onto someone else.