Halloween: It’s Not Just for Kids Anymore

It's Almost Here!

I don't know about you but I have always been a big fan of Halloween.  As a kid it was all about the treats, but now I just love the theatrics;  the decorations, costumes and, of course, finding and creating the sounds that help make Halloween celebrations so much fun.

In fact, while traveling recently, my wife and I discovered one of the best sounding, creaky doors we've come across in a long time. So of course we had to record it.

And like so  many times with audio, what you hear is not what it really is, so email me and let me know what you think it might be

But seriously, Halloween is big business in the U.S. and all around the world and its not just for kids anymore.

Today, Halloween is celebrated by more people in the U.S. than any single day other than Christmas and worldwide it is the most celebrated day. Why? Maybe its due to the fact that its considered good, clean, harmless fun for young and old alike!

Here’s a few facts about Halloween.

This year it's estimated that Americans will spend 6.8 billion dollars on Halloween.
In 2013, 70% of those surveyed by the National Retail Federation will hand out candy, 47% will carve a pumpkin.
65% to 70% of 18 to 40 year old adults will wear  costumes,
36% will visit a haunted house,
52% will throw or attend a party and 20% will dress up their pets.
All of these percentages are up substantially from 2010.

Businesses that want to capitalize on Halloween's popularity use produced media to get their message out to current and prospective customers as well as use productions to add a sense of excitement leading up to the celebration. 

One thing's for sure, producing Halloween content for scary movies and haunted houses is just the beginning.

Here's another interesting fact about Halloween. In Ireland, where it all began,  a traditional food eaten on Halloween is called barnbrack, a kind of fruitcake that can be bought in stores or baked at home.  A muslin-wrapped treat is baked inside the cake that, it is said, can foretell the eater's future.
Of course, if they don’t give all of them away at Halloween, you know what they're giving for the  holidays.

Enjoy Your Halloween!
